Andy MacDonald
A social photographer
For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in photography. It all started out with 126 and 110 cartridge cameras on trips to the zoo, family outings etc. When I started work, aged 16, I saved up and bought a wonderful Zenith 35mm camera. This beauty opened up a whole new world of photography with black and white film, slide film as well as colour negative films.
All along in my photography journey I have seen it as a social adventure; always out with friends, be it with my friend Magic (his nickname!) otherwise known as Alan or girlfriends who shared my passion.
Camera clubs in one form or another have also been important to me. The first club I joined was the Adult Learning Project (ALP) camera collective run by Stan. His ethos was to make everybody welcome to photography and to run the camera club as a social adventure. The company and learning from each other was just as valid as the photography.
It was during this time I learned how to process black and white negative films then make prints from said negs. I also learned at this time about E6 slide film processing and making prints from the slides. ALP is the model I try to stick to with the group of photographers who make up the Edinburgh Photography Meetup Group. We share a common love of photography and enjoy a social life be it with or without a camera.
Having been invited to join this adventure by Norman, picking 12 images that represent my photography was very difficult to say the least. In the end, I decided to pick one image from one month over the last year. I hope what I have picked is pleasing to the eye and that you enjoy looking at my work.
Profile pic by Charles Keddie
Andy MacDonald is currently the organiser for the Edinburgh Photography Meetup Group with responsibility for setting up and managing the group activities, for picking locations, setting themes, meeting and greeting new members as well as delegating responsibility to event organisers.
In an effort to improve the quality of his work he is a member of two other groups EPS (Edinburgh Photographic Society) and F8, a self help and inspiring group of friend photographers.
The Photographers
© Andy MacDonald 2018